Friday, October 26, 2012

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Action, will be able to dominate the world.
The situation on the map
Horses defects in the war they must graze; Napoleon at Borodino hesitating how much is due to lack of feed. Similarly, a petroleum engine must have oil as fuel. Adolf Hitler is absolutely impossible to forget this simple fact. Despite a lot of talk of the the combat readiness house and wiseacre news reporters have long forgotten thousand two best.
German in the European continent battle, only one gas station to the hand, is Romania's underground oil we can not get the oil from the sea,north face pink ribbon. Therefore, from 1940 to 2041 Hitler in the Balkans on all military action and campaign are around Provincetown Shendi oilfield war impossible to win in the Balkans, Germany touches might fail here.
Look at the map clear risk of Ploiesti on the Great Plains of the Danube River near the Soviet border. Prut River to Provincetown Shendi is an open plain, but less than one hundred miles, but from Germany to where there are six hundred miles, and also across the middle of the Carpathian Mountains.
For this reason, in July 1940,wholesale nike nfl jerseys, when the danger of the outbreak of war between Hungary and Romania, Hitler quickly forced to be reconciliation in the Soviet Union does not like the Russians, whether it is the czar or the Communist Party, with a total they bear claw toward the Balkans; At that time, the Russians are being sent to Romania contents vague, bluffing memorandum, however, as long as the matter of the oil supply, Hitler would never have to worry about whether the Russians sensitive no oil The entire German war machine into a pile of scrap metal.
But Russia's behavior so that they stop to consider the treaty is only a truce he and Stalin set himself think so, and have to assume that Stalin butchers like think so. Problem is that Russia will be in when action? Hitler activities only from Russia to guess the summer of 1940, our brilliant campaign in France, the Soviet Union in the Balkans into the Bessarabia march an average of one hundred miles, along a broad front of our oil so that the Red Army reached the banks of the Prut River At the same time, the border Ploiesti only fifty miles away Bulgaria also began to make territorial claims and military threat from Bulgaria to Romania to make these gestures, we master indeed Intelligence, Russian conspiracy.
Harbinger of action occurred during the so-called confused and trouble. however this around the Romanian oil tense action, but not significantly more serious than all romantic registration headline news of the British Air Combat melee. repeated studies writer of the Battle of Britain Adolf Hitler always wonder why you are not interested in the Battle of Britain. seems that they do not have a sufficient understanding of one of the military chronology and topographic maps, the heads of state to focus on air combat during this fruitless critical Danube Lowland this practice can not be appreciated.
By the end of July

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